What is PRP?

PRP, also known as stem cell therapy, is an innovative, organic procedure that uses the body’s own plasma to support and stimulate natural healing, renewal, and cellular growth. 

Human blood is composed of four main elements: plasma, red and white blood cells, and platelets. The platelets include proteins, known as growth factors, which are vital in mending wounds and injuries and supporting the formation of blood clots.

The body possesses an unlimited supply of plasma and platelets providing patients with practically endless access to platelets and growth factors. A PRP application or injection has an extremely high concentration of platelets, making it five to ten times more potent than anything typically found in human blood. It also contains cytokines, which activate the healing of soft tissue.

Stem cells possess the uncanny ability to transform into virtually any cell in the body and can promote rapid healing and recovery when applied to damaged skin or bone. 

PRP is all-natural, totally safe, with no allergic reactions, It’s taken from the patient’s blood, so there is a very high acceptance rate. Satisfaction rates have also been high.

The benefits of PRP treatment may include:

  • Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes

  • Dark circles under the eyes

  • Acne

  • Crepey skin

  • Nasal labial folds

  • Enhancement of skin texture and tone

  • Tightening of skin and improvement in skin laxity

  • Improvement of crepey skin

  • Generation of new collagen fibers

  • PRP is not meant to replace aesthetic procedures, but rather, to enhance results, improve outcomes, and promote quicker healing.

How Our Process Works

Consultation & Treatment

Our experts will guide you through the process of how PRP is administered.

We prepare the stem cell injection by drawing a small amount of blood (around 5cc) and then isolating and concentrating the platelet-rich plasma and growth factors by spinning the liquid in a centrifuge. Once the growth factors are extracted, and the PRP solution prepared, it can be applied or injected directly onto the damaged tissue and mixed with your remaining blood. 

It takes about 10 minutes to take the blood and centrifuge it, and an additional 15-20 minutes to apply the treatment. Patients are usually done in under an hour.”

Results & Recovery

Topical and injectable PRP treatments involve minimal to no downtime. Most patients will see an immediate improvement in texture and tone that will last up to three months.

Before and After of PRP with microneedling done by Abby Villaruel at PrimeMed Aesthetics